Basic Start-Up Kit

Basic Start-Up Kit 

It is understood that entrepreneurs speculate on measured risks as a formula for growth. Startups are a playground for entrepreneurs to reveal to the world their talent and risk-taking skills. But by losing out on some of the essential legal documentation for startups that are needed for a fresh startup, one can ensure that they do not end up in the legal soup.

During early development, start-up founders made several typical mistakes. Founders need to stop to protect their legal bases as it's enticing to dive into the vision for your startup to start making the project a reality.

Here are the top 10 legal documents and compliance startups should possess to stay away from legal troubles down the road:

  • Trademark registration is a name 
  • Articles of Association/Incorporation 
  • A non-disclosure agreement (NDA)  
  • Employee contracts and offer letters
  • HR, Admin, Finance and business policies
  • Shareholder’s Agreement 
  • Intellectual Property assignment agreements 
  • Founder’s agreement  
  • Web Site Terms of Use Agreement  
  • Trade licenses and HR compliance registrations and licenses 

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